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Up your game with APCA's Basic Level - Online Pastry Program

Last year, lockdown and boredom led people to explore their multiple sides, out of which the most significant side that overpowered the rest of the sides was that of a cook. People who were even utterly novice did not shy away from trying out newly discovered recipes, and posting them online with whatever hashtag was in trend. In other words, food and dessert turned out to be the heroes who saved the day and gave you some comfort when nobody else could!

Did you also participate in the madness of making that instagram-worthy Focaccia bread? Did you find the entire process pretty therapeutic? Did you develop a liking for baking? Did you want to continue making and baking bread? Did you play with the idea of doing it full-time and imagined yourself as a professional baker? If you still think or miss your past self who was crazy to get the proportions right and brilliantly passionate about mixing things and making something that received accolades from your friends and family, then get those times back by enrolling yourself in an online pastry programme by apca chef online which promises to train you to become the next best pastry chef. In order to become a professional, take a baby yet a major step with our exclusive basic level pastry course which sets the base for you to build your reputation further on an international level.

Apca chef online, best pastry school, offers you imagination, precision, and skill set worth a thousand dimes! This course is an entry level program where the best chefs come together to teach you about basic and different kinds of breads, including laminated dough which is used to make croissant, danish and puff pastry, along with jachnun, kubaneh plus what you call lachcha paratha.

The online platform would also have a closed group for all of your queries. It will also function as a space where the patissier and upcoming dessert experts (yes, you.) will have discussions and talks regarding their respective subjects. Apart from this, there will be weekly chef interactions where you will be able to clear all your doubts. You will receive PDFs of individual programs that you can keep and go back to whenever required.

Beside this, you will have a live induction class with the chef on the first day itself! (surely something to look forward to!) For your convenience, live theory sessions will be held twice a month so it would not, in any way, interrupt with your daily routine! Furthermore, you would be taught about suppliers and equipment - a brief understanding of handling them and how to work with them along with cake designing and decoration. In addition to this, you will be learning to ace seventy seven recipes, including chocolates, cookies, and french pastries!  After the course, you will find yourself to have a certain sense of satisfaction derived not only from the great learning, tips and experience but also from the ultimate crazy times you will have with like-minded people!

This course is ideal for anyone who happens to have a keen curiosity for breads and pastries and would like to learn baking at a professional level.So, go ahead, check out all the details given on the website, select the course that satisfies your wants and needs, and enrol yourself immediately. Take it from us, this will be the time of your life that you will never ever regret! And who is to say, the program might end up awakening your instinct, pushing you in the direction you always fancied to move in?